Crankshaft repair is possible without removing the crankshaft from the block. In case of failure of bearing, it is generally observed that the crankshaft is damaged. While it is easy to replace the bearings, it is a challenging proposition to undertake the repair of crankshaftand put the engine back into operation.
Crankshaft Repair on Board a Vessel
Removal of onboard crankshaft repair from the engine block inevitably translates to a high cost of repair and downtime. RA Power Solutions undertakes repair of the crankshaft onsite without removing it from the engine block. The portable, lightweight crankshaft grinding machine is taken to the site by experienced technicians to undertake crankshaft repair by grinding.
The important parameters prior to crankshaft repair are checked like taper and ovality, hardness, crack, physical profile of lube oil and radius fillet, etc. In the event, that all the major parameters fall within the stipulated tolerances of the manufacturer’s specifications and tolerances, crankshaft repair is undertaken.
Repair of Crankshaft from Engine Block Window
Repair of Crankshaft and Engine Block After Major Accident
RA Power Solutions can undertake crankshaft repair of diameter ranging as small as 60 mm to 700 mm onsite. The repair of the crankshaft is also possible on board the vessel or while the vessel is sailing on the high seas. All our technicians have the necessary qualifications and have valid seaman passports.
RA Power Solutions has successfully undertaken the repair of more than 10,000 crankshafts and has four decades of experience in executing crankshaft repairs successfully. For more details regarding crankshaft repair, crankshaft refurbishment, insitu crankshaft grinding repair, or onboard crankshaft repair, please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.
Crankshaft repair is recommended in case of the following:
Development of excessive taper and ovality in crankpin journal and crank main journal.
Development of crack and increase in hardness due to failure of bearing.
Loss of Alignment of crankshaft
Development of deep bearing line marks, rough surface, pitting, etc.
Crankshaft repair is undertaken by rap by grinding of crankshaft onsite. Crank pin journal and main journal of crankshaft grinding are done of diameter ranging from 60 mm to 700 mm.
Crankshaft Grinding on Board a Vessel
We are cost-effective and have four decades of experience in crankshaft repair, crankshaft grinding, and diesel engine crankshaft repair.
RA Power Solutions: Your trusted partner for precision diesel engine crankshaft repair. We restore power and reliability to your engines, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. For more information regarding crankshaft repair, contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.
Engine bearings for crankpin and main journal are manufactured by RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. We also maintain stock of standard and undersized bearings in tri-metal and bimetal of popular make and model of engines.
Alternator Bearing of Wartsila 12V32
White Metal Bearing of Deutz Engine
After grinding of crankpin and main journal of crankshafts, undersize crankpin bearings and main journal bearings are required. It is observed that engine manufacturers most of the time do not have an inventory of undersized bearings, thus delaying the assembly and commissioning of the engine.
Ruston Engine Bearing
Engine Bearing of Daihatsu DS 26
RA Power Solutions has undertaken onsite grinding of crankshafts for the last 44 years. We understand the importance of ready availability of standard bearings, undersized bearings of tri-metal and bimetal, and bearings for popular engines and models that are available in stock. Following is the list of engines for which engine bearings are available.
RA Power Solutions stands guarantee for satisfactory performance of engine bearings. The main journal bearings and crank pin bearings are priced lower than the industry, with immediate delivery.
The author is Mr. Raj Shahani, Managing Director of the company. He has 44 years of experience in rebabbitting of bearings, metal locking/metal stitching of crack steel casting, marine engine spares, grinding and repair of all shafts. And all services related to the repair of engines and supporting equipment. The company has in-house trained technicians, equipment, and marine engine spares for all makes and models of engines and serves all over the world.
For more information on main engine maintenance, marine engine spares, main bearing machining, Babbitt bearings suppliers, and marine engine spare parts, email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.
RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has recently undertaken cast iron repair, and crack repair of a cast iron engine block by metal stitching and metal locking process. The engine block which is made of cast iron was broken from the window cover sitting area. The engine block was broken into pieces measuring approximately 330 × 420 mm.
RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. after getting the dimensions got the casting made of cast iron, and it was metal locked and metal stitched on board a vessel. The engine after repairs is performing satisfactorily.
Broken Engine Block
Casting Piece Given Profile as per Damaged Engine Block
In 44 years of experience, we have executed more than 1000 jobs of crack repair by metal stitching and metal lock surgery not only for shipping but for all sectors of industry. Perhaps we are the only company in the world to execute crack repair of engine components or any crack in metal on board a vessel while sailing.
Metal stitching and metal locking process on board the vessel:
Keys and Locks Used in Metal Locking and Metal Stitching Process
Metal Stitching Under Progress on Board the Vessels
RA Power Solutions specializes in comprehensive cast iron block repair and iron engine block repair services, offering effective solutions for both minor and major cracks in cast iron castings.
The author is Mr. Raj Shahani, Managing Director of the company. He is having 37 years of experience in metal stitching and metal locking of crack repair, cast iron crack repair, grinding of crankshaft, and all services related to the repair of engines and supporting equipment.
The company has in-house trained technicians, and equipment and serves all over the world. For more information regarding repair cast iron, repair crack cast iron, or cast iron repair, contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.
Metal Stitching Under Process
Casting Piece Stitched in Broken Area of Engine Block
Metal Stitching and Metal Locking Under Progress
The final finish is given to the Damaged Area of the Engine Block
RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. was called by a leading forging company based in western part of India manufacturing open forgings for heavy engineering plants. One of the operation involved use of clear space pneumatic hammer which they imported from massey of UK.
Due to constant use of forging hammer and its age the pneumatic chamber of the hammer developed a crack measuring 69 inches. The whole plant due to non operation of this critical equipment was on stand still. The pneumatic chamber is manufactured out of grey cast iron. The company tried to repair the crack by welding process and engaged a leading company to execute the repairs. The crack repair of the cast iron pneumatic chamber was not successful. RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. was called to repair the crack by metal surgery process.
Materials Used in Metal Stitching/Metal Locking Process
Metal Surgery
RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. initially carried out magnetic particle test (MPI) and dye penetrant test of cast iron pneumatic chamber to check the exact length and the profile of the crack developed. The paint including red oxide applied on the cast iron pneumatic chamber was removed completely. The crack of 69 inches was repaired by our technicians by metal stitching and metal locking process.
The keys, master metal locks and all consumables used for metal surgery were imported from UK. After the completion of metal stitching and metal locking operations, the chemicals were applied to stop the air leakage from the pneumatic chamber.
Metal Stitching/Metal Locking Procedure
This process of metal surgery followed by us for repair of crack in cast iron is cold process, no heat is generated and is proven method for successful repair of crack in cast iron casting.
Reduce Cost And Breakdown Time By Onsite Repair Of Crankshaft
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding and Polishing Machine
The failure of the crankpin and main journal bearing causes serious damage to the crankshaft, which is as follows:
Development of excessive taper and ovality in Crankshaft, Crankpin, and Main Journal.
Development of crack
Abnormal increase and decrease in hardness
Loss of alignment of crankshaft, resulting in the increase in deflection readings.
Development of bearing line marks, pitting, local depression
Damage to radius fillet and lube oil profile
The onsite crankshaft grinding equipment developed and manufactured by us is capable of undertaking grinding and polishing of crankshaft in one setting. The tolerances after crankshaft repair are strictly maintained as per the manufacturer’s specifications.
Removal of Crankshaft from Engine Block
Repair of Crankshaft is in Process
We have a highly trained, skilled team of technicians who are deputed to the plant site or on a vessel in the minimum possible time. The process followed by us for the repair of the crankshaft is faster, more cost-effective, and more convenient. It of course avoids the removal of the crankshaft and transport to the workshop.
The repair of crankshaft executed by RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd is approved by leading inspection agencies including Lloyds, DNV, and many other inspecting agencies. For more information, please write us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.
RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. extends repair services for main and auxiliary engines, high-capacity compressors, pumps, and rotating equipment. We have the latest design portable equipment which is carried to the client’s site, whether they are land-based power plants or vessels on the move. The services are offered through trained technicians. Being an Indian company having more than 36 years of experience, we are well known for sincerity, on-time services, and the lowest price in this industry. A few of the services offered to us are as under:
Metal Locking and Metal Stitching
Metal locking and metal stitching is a cold process for repair of steel casting which develops cracks or gets broken into pieces due to overload, stress, or an accident. RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has experience of more than 44 years of undertaking repair of most complex accidental damage to plant and machinery, high capacity marine engines, diesel generating sets, engine blocks, cylinder heads, turbine casing, etc. The repair of casting by metal stitching and metal locking has been executed by trained and experienced engineers having experience of 44 years.
Broken Engine Block of Yanmar Engine
Assembly of Broken Pieces of Engine Block
Engine Block Ready After Metal Stitching Process
Engine Block Ready After Metal Locking Process
Consumables like metal locks and metal keys are procured from reputed companies based in the USA and UK. We are cost-effective and can depute our team of technicians within 6 hours notice.
Material Used in Metal Locking and Metal Stitching Process
We are experts in the repair of crankshafts of high-capacity marine engines up to 700 mm diameter, diesel generating sets, and other applications. The services are extended all over the world through our experienced technicians.
Rotor Shaft Grinding
In case of failure of the white metal rotor shaft bearing, it is necessary to inspect the rotor shaft bearing sitting diameter. We undertake complete inspection of the rotor shaft, grinding and polishing onsite. The rotor shaft repair, grinding, and polishing are done without dismantling the rotor shaft from the casing. The rotor shaft grinding and polishing are done onsite.
Rotor shaft white metal Babbitt bearings are manufactured and rebabbitting of old rotor shaft bearings is also undertaken. We guarantee the satisfactory performance of white metal Babbitt bearings.
Onsite Rotor Shaft Grinding
Rotor Shaft Grinding in Process
Connecting Rod Repair
Connecting rod repair is undertaken with a guarantee, absolutely no need to replace the connecting rod as in most cases connecting rods can be repaired and re-used.
RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes in-house repair of connecting rods including re-boring of the big ends and small ends, checking for hardness, cracks, etc.
Connecting Rod Assembled with Piston After Repair
Liner, Piston, Connecting Rod, and Cylinder Head Under Assembly Supplied by RA Power Solutions
Connecting rods for all make and models of diesel engines like MAN-B&W, Sulzer, Wartsila, MAK, Deutz, Pielstick, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Yanmar, Bergen, Niigata, Himsen, Allen, Stork, Fiat, MWM, Hanshin, Caterpillar, SKL, Ruston, Paxman, Crepelle, Mirrlees, Alco, ABC, Nohab, etc.
Connecting Rod of MAN engine
Reconditioning of Connecting Rod
Cylinder Heads
Cylinder Heads are reconditioned at our works. We replace valve seats, and valve guides and recondition the cylinder heads which are ready for installation. Repair of cylinder heads is undertaken by our experienced technicians in-house.
The repair of cracks on cylinder heads is done by metal stitching and a metal locking process, which is a cold and proven method of crack repair. Second-hand reconditioned cylinder heads are also supplied with a guarantee at a competitive price.
Cylinder Head of Marine Diesel Engine
Cylinder Head
Rebabbitting of Bearings
Rebabbitting of old white metal bearings of diesel engines, turbines, alternators, and all applications are undertaken. Rebabbitting of white metal bearings is done by a centrifugal process, which ensures dense and uniform bonding with the base steel.
We undertake rebabbitting of bearings up to 1500 mm in diameter. The white metal used for rebabbitting is imported from Spain. The metallurgical certificate for white metal and dimensional inspection report is submitted after rebabbitting of white metal is done. For more information on onsite crankshaft repair services, cylinder liners exporter, cylinder liners, engine cylinder liner, cylinder sleeve manufacturer, metal locking, repair of rotor shaft, and onsite repair services of crankshaft contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.
A vessel sailing in the Middle East reported damage of engine block of Yanmar 6N21L-SN due to RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. deputed a team of technicians with consumables. The broken pieces were assembled and metal stitching and metal locked. The total broken area was 46 inches. The broken pieces were re-assembled and metal stitching was due to a shortage of time and to put on the generator in the minimum possible time. The other alternate option was to use the new piece of casting, which was not done in this case due to a shortage of time accident.
Yanmar Marine Diesel Engine
RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. deputed a team of technicians with consumables. The broken pieces were assembled and metal stitched/metal locked. The total broken area was 46 inches. The broken pieces were reassembled and metal stitched due to a shortage of time and to put on the generator in the minimum possible time. The other alternate option was to use the new piece of casting, which was not done in this case due to a shortage of time.
Broken Engine Block of Yanmar Engine
Assembly of Broken Pieces of Engine Block
Metal Stitching of Engine Block in Process
Metal Locking of Engine Block in Process
Repair of Engine Block by Metal Locking Process
Engine Block Ready After Metal Locking Process
For further details regarding the metal stitching of engine block, metal stitching service provider, broken engine block of Yanmar, Yanmar marine diesel engine, and broken engine block, etc. contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.
Cast iron components develop cracks and break into pieces as a result of accident or overload. The replacement of crack component is expensive. It is recommended to repair crack and broken casting by metal stitching and metal locking process.
Repair Crack and Broken Casting by Metal Stitching / Metal Locking Process
Repair of crack components is executed by experienced technicians, and we use the consumables comprising of metal locks and metal keys procured from companies based in UK and USA. We also stand guarantee for the satisfactory performance after metal stitching/metal locking of the component. Most of the metals can be metal stitched where repair of crack by welding is not successful. To get more information regarding cracked engine block metal stitching, metal stitching for repair of cracks contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.
RA Power Solutions undertakes reconditioning of connecting rods irrespective of their size and load factor. We have special-purpose equipment for inspection of connecting rods and repairs. Following steps are taken for reconditioning of connecting rods.
Connecting rods are disassembled and cleaned with a special chemical.
Dimensional inspection of large end and small end bore is done.
Connecting rod is also checked for any loss of alignment on special-purpose boring machine loaded with DRDO.
Dye penetrant test and MPI are done for crack detection. Special attention is given to detecting the crack in the serration area, connecting rod bolts, and bolt sitting area.
Machining and grinding are done to restore the original dimension of the big end and small end of connecting rods.
Connecting Rod Reconditioning
Reconditioning of Connecting Rod
Connecting rods are inspected by a senior technician and reports are maintained.
RA Power Solutions has successfully undertaken the repair of more than 15,000 connecting rods in the last 36 years of operation. RA Power Solutions also exports reconditioned connecting rods at a low price with a guarantee.
For more information about Connecting Rod Reconditioning, Used Connecting Rod, or Connecting Rod contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.