White Metal | White Metal Babbitt | Babbitt White Metal Alloy Manufacturer

White Metal Babbitt was introduced about 180 years back and over the time, it has been improved with presence of tin, copper and antimony. Lead can be sometimes added in place of the tin.

RA Power Solutions manufactures white metal/ Babbitt white metal alloy according to international norms or as per the customized requirement of Babbitt white metal of the client.


  • White metal has lower wear.
  • High friction resistance.
  • Corrosion resistance.
  • Hard/soft composition of white metal.
  • Better absorption of lubricant and foreign particles.

Considering the few of the inherent properties of white metal and Babbitt white metal alloy mentioned above, it has various applications.


  • Babbitt white metal is used as lining for bearing shells which are made out of cast iron, bronze or steel.
  • The Babbitt lining of bearing helps in preventing friction and wear which enhances the life of the bearing manifolds.
  • Babbitt metal is preferred for steady load conditions with application for electrical motor, pumps, blowers, turbines, engines, compressors, etc.


INDUSTRY NAME Sn (Tin) Sb (Antimony) Cu (Copper) Pb (Lead)
Marine 11 D 90.0 – 92.0 4.5 – 5.5 3.5 – 4.5 0.2 (Max)
No. 1 90.0 – 92.0 4.0 – 5.0 4.0 – 5.0 0.2 (Max)
Marine 11 R 89.0 – 89.5 7.5 – 8.5 2.5 – 3.0 0.2 (Max)
Nickel Genuine 88.0 – 90.0 7.0 – 8.0 3.0 – 4.0 0.2 (Max)
Marine 11 88.0 – 90.0 5.5 – 6.0 5.0 – 5.5 0.2 (Max)
Maximum Allowable Impurities: Fe=0.08, As=0.10, Bi=0.08, Zn=0.005, Al=0.005, Cd=0.05

We are the largest manufacturer of Babbitt metal, Babbitt white metal, and babbitting alloy metal all over the world including Greece, Moldova, Belarus, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Singapore, Dubai, Greece, Cambodia, Colombia, Denmark, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, etc.

This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.).

Mr. Shahani is a highly experienced business leader with rich experience of more than 44 years in the field of Power, Heavy, and Shipping industry. He is Technical Adviser to many shipping and heavy industries across the globe.

Mr. Shahani is one of the most enthusiastic professional and he has all the brilliance of an exemplary leader. Mr. Shahani is an extremely effective coach and mentor of teams and is adept at providing leadership in a global, cross-cultural environment.

For more information regarding babbitt metal, white metal bearing alloy in ingot form, babbitting of white metal bearing and white metal repair contact us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Enhance Life of Babbitt White Metal Bearing and Shafts with Revolutionary Onsite Polishing Machine

It is observed that in power plants and heavy industries, the turbine shafts, alternator shafts, rotor shafts, pumps, crankshafts operate continuously without any break. The babbitt white metal bearings which support the shafts get worn out due to continuous operation or get damaged due to an accident.

We have observed that while the white metal bearing are promptly replaced, but no action is taken on the shaft which is supported by the bearings.

RA Power Solutions have introduced a revolutionary onsite polishing machine details of which are given below:-

  • Enhance the life of the turbine shafts, alternator shafts, rotor shafts, pumps, crankshafts by onsite polishing.
  • As mentioned above, the damaged or old worn-out bearings are replaced, but no attention is given to the shaft. We offer the comprehensive services and annual contract of polishing of the shafts installed in your factory.

The details of polishing are as following:-

  • We depute a team of technicians who are experienced to undertake dimensional inspection of the shaft to check the taper and ovality. The inspection is done by the calibrated instruments.
  • The hardness of the shaft and crack detection by MPI is undertaken. This is required only in case of accidents.
  • The surface finish of the bearing sitting area of the shaft is checked. We use an advanced mitutoyo surface finish instrument to check.
  • Visual inspection is undertaken to check the pitting, bearing line marks, etc.

Use of onsite polishing equipment

We have portable onsite polishing equipment which is carried by technicians to any site all over the world. This revolutionary onsite polishing equipment is capable of removing high points, bearing line marks, pitting. The stock removal can be as low as 0.01 mm, thus there is no change in the oil gap and dimension of shaft.

Increase the life of turbine shafts, alternator shafts, rotor shafts, pumps, crankshafts

Our clients all over the world have experienced that by polishing the shafts prior to fitment of white metal babbitt bearing increases not only the life of bearings but also of the shaft. It avoids major breakdown of the shaft, bearing and the plant.


It is possible to undertake the polishing of the shaft without any disassembly, hence minimum downtime and high surface finish can be achieved onsite.


The cost of polishing on site is marginal in comparison to the damage caused to the bearing and the shaft in the long term. It’s a technology which is now easily available and the advantage of which power plants, industries, shipping companies can take wherever the rotary equipments are used.

We are available 24*7 to serve you :

Turbine Shaft
Turbine Shaft
Turbine Shaft Diameter under Polishing
Turbine Shaft Diameter under Polishing
Alternator Shaft Ready for Polishing
Alternator Shaft Ready for Polishing
Alternator Shaft Polishing
Alternator Shaft Polishing
Rotor Shaft Polishing
Rotor Shaft Polishing
Rotor Shaft Polishing
Rotor Shaft Polishing

This article or blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.).

Mr. Shahani is a highly experienced business leader with rich experience of more than 40 years in the field of Power, Heavy, and Shipping industries. He is Technical Adviser to many shipping and heavy industries across the globe.

Mr. Shahani is one of the most enthusiastic professional, and he has all the brilliance of an exemplary leader. Mr. Shahani is an extremely effective coach and mentor of teams and is adept at providing leadership in a global, cross-cultural environment.

For more information regarding onsite and crankshaft polishing machine, contact us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Diesel Engine Repair Services and Engine Overhauling – RA Power Solutions

The diesel engines are operated continuously, irrespective of their installation on a vessel or in a diesel power plant. The continuous running of diesel engines needs periodic overhauls, strictly as per the diesel engine manufacturer’s manual and guidelines. The repair of diesel engines is also required due to continuous running and in the event of a breakdown. RA Power Solutions extends engine repair services and engine overhauling services onboard the vessel or for land-based engines. We understand that the repair and overhauling of diesel engines is one of the most important tasks required to be executed on board a vessel or in a power plant.

Requirement of engine repair and overhaul

It is of great importance that major engine parts like cylinder heads, connecting rods, Liners, crankshafts, etc are periodically checked and calibrated in order to avoid any breakdown and accidents.

Although the regular services and engine overhauling are undertaken by the ship engineers on their own on the basis of their experience and knowledge, still there is a situation in case of accident or excessive wear and tear, etc. Where the intervention of external engine repair services is required. RA Power Solutions plays an important role in this field.

We provide all engine repair services and overhaul services, which also include the following:-

  • Proper analysis of faults in the diesel engines.
  • Planning of repairs.
  • Identifying the requirement of spare parts, tools, etc for engine overhauling and spares.
  • Availability of calibrated equipment for measurement of components and preparation of the report.
  • Expert technicians who are experienced take the measurements of all the major components prior to their refitment.
  • Repair of crankshaft and major engine components onsite if required. (No other company has these facilities.)
  • Experienced engineers having worked with reputed engine manufacturers like Wartsila, Daihatsu, MWM, Caterpillar, MAN, MAK, B&W, Sulzer, Bergen, etc
  • Capable of undertaking overhauling while sailing the vessel.
  • All technicians and engineers possess valid Indian CDC.
  • All jobs of engine repair and engine overhaul are executed with a guarantee.
Repair and Overhauling of Daihatsu Engine
Repair and Overhauling of Daihatsu Engine
Overhauling of Wartsila 12V32 Engine
Overhauling of Wartsila 12V32 Engine

We have been extending engine repair services to Dubai, Greece, Maldives, Malaysia, Singapore, Madagascar, Nigeria, South America, UAE, Germany, Monaco, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, UK, Philippines, etc.

Repair of Crankshaft, Metal Stitching of Engine Block and Overhauling of MAN Engine
Repair of Crankshaft, Metal Stitching of Engine Block, and Overhauling of MAN Engine
Major Overhauling of MAN Engine onboard a Vessel
Major Overhauling of MAN Engine onboard a Vessel
Reallocation of Wartsila 12V32 Engines to Another Power Plant
Reallocation of Wartsila 12V32 Engines to Another Power Plant

This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.).

Mr. Shahani is a highly experienced business leader with rich experience of 44 years in the field of Power, Heavy, and Shipping industry. He is a technical Advisor to many shipping and heavy industries across the globe.

Mr. Shahani is one of the most enthusiastic professionals, and he has all the brilliance of an exemplary leader. Mr. Shahani is an extremely effective coach and mentor of teams and is adept at providing leadership in a global, cross-cultural environment.

For more information on overhauling of diesel engines, cylinder liners exporter, onsite diesel engine repair, and engine overhauling contact us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Metal Lock Metal Stitching | Metal Stitching Cast Iron | Crack Repair | Engine Block Repair

Crack in cast iron components or damage of casting now can be easily repaired by metal lock and metal stitching process. The crack repair technology by metal lock and metal stitching process has outdated the old conventional method of crack repair by welding. It is said that crack repair by metal stitching and metal locking process is perhaps the only method to repair cracks in cast iron and to save the large, expensive components from rejection. In some cases, it is observed that the parts get more damaged by the welding process, resulting in the ultimate rejection and heavy financial losses.

More Details Of Repair Cast Iron Stitching | Cast Iron Repair And Cracked Engine Block Repair

Cast Iron Stitching repair in case of development of cracks or damage, casting is best undertaken by metal stitching and metal locking process. We undertake cast iron crack repair which has the following main advantages:-

  • Cast iron repair is possible onsite by metal stitching and metal locking process.
  • We extend our services 24*7 through our experienced technicians dedicated for repair cast iron, aluminium casting and cast steel casting by a metal lock.
  • Downtime is drastically reduced as there is no requirement for the disassembly of damaged components.
  • Crack repair in cast iron and repair of damage casting by metal locking is far more cost-effective in comparison to the purchase of new and expensive parts.

Metal Stitching of Engine Block by Special Keys & Locks
Metal Stitching of Engine Block by Special Keys & Locks

Damage Area of Engine Block
Damage Area of Engine Block

Advantages of Crack Repair | Damaged Cast Iron Component by Metal Stitching & Metal Lock:

  • No need of disassembly of equipment, pack it, and send it to the workshop for repairs.
  • Onsite crack repair is possible as the tools used are lightweight and can easily be taken to the site.
  • In case a large portion of cast iron components is damaged into pieces, it is possible to replace the damaged area by the new cast piece which is metal stitched with the parent casting.
  • Metal stitching and metal locking is proven to be a permanent crack repair process. RA Power Solutions executes all crack repair assignments with a guarantee.
  • Cold process, no heat is generated, no loss of profile. Hence, no machining is required.
  • Repair undertaken onsite. Hence, downtime of the plant is reduced drastically.
  • Repair is possible, qualifying for water-tight and gas-tight.

Cracked Piston on Board a Vessel
Cracked Piston on Board a Vessel

Cracked Piston on Board a Vessel
Cracked Piston on Board a Vessel

RA Power Solutions have been undertaking the lock and stitch engine block repair and cracked engine block repair of cast iron and aluminum components by metal stitching and metal locking for the last forty years. We have expertise in replacing the damaged large area of casting with a new piece. Thus maintaining the original strength of the component. In most of the cases, the new casting is dispatched from our workshop maintaining the same internal and external profile and projections after repair by metal stitching and metal locking process it is even difficult to make out whether the area was damaged as no sign of damage are visible.

Metal Stitching & Metal Locking of Suction Bell Mouth of CW Pump Repairing
Metal Stitching & Metal Locking of Suction Bell Mouth of CW Pump Repairing

Metal Stitching of Engine Block on Vessel
Metal Stitching of Engine Block on Vessel

The cost of repairs is very important in this time of global recession. RA Power Solutions is considered to be the most economical company executing repairs all over the world. Our technicians can travel to any part of the world in a short notice and can also execute the repairs while sailing of the vessel.

For more information on metal stitching cast iron, cracked engine block metal stitching, cast iron engine block repair, cracked engine block repair, repair of crack cast iron, metal crack stitching, lock and stitch cast iron repair, metal stitching of engine block, metal crack repair, engine block repair, engine block stitching, cold metal stitching engine block, cast iron block repair, repair of crack in cast iron casting, contact us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com or call us at +91 9582647131 and +91 9810012383.

Crankshaft Repair & Grinding Machine | Auxiliary Engine Repair Machine

RA Power Solutions have been extending services related to crankshaft repair, metal stitching, rebabbitting of bearing, overhaul, and maintenance of high-capacity engines all over the world. The concept of crankshaft repair changed with time. The use of bench-type crankshaft grinding machine is now completely outdated and onsite crankshaft repair and grinding machine is used all over the world to repair crankshaft onsite in any part of the world. There is no requirement for removal of the crankshaft, packing, and transporting it to the designated workshop.

Portable Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Portable Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Onsite Crankshaft Grinder Machine
Onsite Crankshaft Grinder Machine

RA Power Solutions is a crankshaft grinder manufacturer, manufacturer of portable, lightweight Main Engine and auxiliary engine repair machines for the last 15 years from the range of 35 mm to 700 mm in terms of diameter.

The typical application of an onsite or in situ, crankshaft grinding and polishing machine is as follows:

  • Pump crankshaft
  • Forging Press Crankshaft
  • Diesel Engine Crankshaft
  • Four stroke/2 stroke main engine and auxiliary engine crankshaft
  • Turbine shaft, fan shaft, tail shaft, alternator shaft, cylindrical shaft, etc.

The in situ crankshaft grinding machine is designed to maintain similar tolerances as bench-type crankshaft grinding machines. All the parameters, specifications, and tolerances which are specified by the engine manufacturers can be easily maintained.

Accessories for Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Accessories for Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine for Bigger Diameter
Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine for Bigger Diameter

Some of the main features of the crankshaft Main Engine and Auxiliary Engine Repair Machine are as follows:

  • Grinding and polishing of crankshaft is possible onsite with this onsite repair equipment.
  • Crankshaft repair & grinding machine is compact and can be inserted from the limited space available from the inspection window of an entablature.
Onsite Grinding & Repair of Crankpin is in Process
Onsite Grinding & Repair of Crankpin is in Process
Grinding of Crankpin by Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Grinding of Crankpin by Crankshaft Grinding Machine

In case of space constraints machine can be redesigned and modification can be undertaken to place the machine on the crank pin from the window. In situ, the crankshaft grinding and polishing machine is capable to maintain taper, ovality, and surface finish strictly as per the manufacturer’s tolerance. Easy to operate.

Training for Operation of Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine in RA Power Training Center
Training for Operation of Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine in RA Power Training Center
  1. Free 1-week training is provided onsite or in the training center of RA Power Solutions.
  2. In situ crankshaft repair and grinding machine is available from the range of 35 mm to 700 mm. More than 70 crankshaft grinding machines are supplied all over the world.
  3. With this precise Main Engine and Auxiliary Engine Crankshaft Repair Machine, it is possible to repair the crankshaft while sailing the vessel. This is possible due to the design and construction of the machine.

RA Power Solutions is a renowned crankshaft grinder manufacturer and exporter, offering top-notch solutions in the power industry. With their cutting-edge technology and extensive expertise, they have established a reputation for delivering high-quality crankshaft grinding machines.

Crankpin After Grinding by Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Crankpin After Grinding by Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Inspection of Crankpin After Grinding
Inspection of Crankpin After Grinding

This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions). He has forty years of experience in the field of engine repair. He has developed an onsite crankshaft grinding machine after extensive research and trials. All the crankshaft grinding machines sold by us all over the world are performing satisfactorily. For any queries related to high-capacity diesel engines, insitu grinding machine supplier, main engine maintenance, engine crankshaft grinding machine, drop us an email at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Crankshaft Repair | Grinding of Crankshaft | Crankshaft Machining – RA Power Solutions

RA Power Solutions have been working on high-capacity diesel engine overhaul, repair, and maintenance and grinding of crankshaft for the last 44 years. During our work on engines on board a vessel or in large engineering plants, we have observed that the incidents of crankshafts getting damaged due to accidents are getting very often.

As we are aware that the crankshaft is the heart of the engine by means of connecting rod the crankshaft converts reciprocating motion to the liner movement which drives the engine. RA Power Solutions have the process, technology, and onsite crankshaft grinding machines ranging from 35 mm to 700 mm and crankshaft repair is now possible without disassembly of the crankshaft from the engine. The repair of the crankshaft is possible irrespective of its length and weight as we have the equipment available up to 700 mm in terms of diameter.

The crankshaft in general has various applications including diesel generating sets and marine engines typical areas of crankshaft applications are as follows:

  • Compressors
  • Railway vehicles/engines
  • Power generators
  • Forging hammers
  • Pumps
  • Marine engines, etc.
Crankpin After Accident
Crankpin After Accident
Crankpin After Serious Accident
Crankpin After Serious Accident

The crankshaft of high-capacity engines used for marine and land-based applications are of forged steel. RA Power Solutions has experienced technicians, and advanced technology equipment i.e. in situ crankshaft grinding machine to maintain the dimensions and tolerances strictly as per the manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations. Major parameters maintained after crankshaft grinding and repair and grinding of crankshaft are as follows:

  • Taper and ovality can be maintained within 0.02/0.03 mm or less as per the requirement of the engine manufacturer.
  • The portable in situ crankshaft grinding machine used by RA Power Solutions technicians is capable of maintaining a surface finish of far less than 0.03 RA value.
  • The high surface finish value after grinding of crankpin and main journal diameter of the crankshaft enhances the life of connecting rod and main bearings considerably.
Inspection of Crankpin Before Repair & Grinding
Inspection of Crankpin Before Repair & Grinding
Inspection of Crankpin is in Process
Inspection of Crankpin is in Process
  • The radius profile of both the end of the crankpin or main journal and the lubricating oil profile is maintained strictly as per the original profile.
  • The straightness/runout of the crankshaft is checked, and the crankshaft is straightened if required by the peening process.
  • Counterweight can be replaced in case of damage and supporting threads are repaired onsite.

During our work of more than four decades, we have repaired more than 10,000 crankshafts used for different applications. All the repairs are executed with a guarantee. We are an ISO-certified company and also meet the standards requirements like DNB, Lloyd’s, etc. All our technicians possess Indian CDC and can join the vessel in a short time in any part of the world.

Crankshaft grinding and repair are essential processes in the field of engine maintenance and precision engineering. The crankshaft, being a crucial component in any engine, requires meticulous attention to ensure its optimal performance. At RA Power Solutions, we specialize in main bearing machining, grinding of crankshaft, and in situ crankshaft grinding.

For more information regarding in situ crankshaft inspection, in situ grinding crankpins, and cost-effective crankshaft grinding Dubai contact us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Crankpin Machining | Crankshaft Journal Machining | Crankshaft Grinding Services – RA Power Solutions

RA Power Solutions is based in New Delhi, India, undertaking crankshaft machining for the last 44 years. Crankshafts are repaired on site without removing them from the crankcase. In case of any damage to the crankshaft, crankpin, and leading journal we can machine it and polish it to a standard undersize within the manufacturer’s specification and tolerances specified.

The main advantage of the repair of the damaged crankshaft, and crankpin journal on site is that it requires a very short repair timescale. It works out to be cheaper to get the onsite crankshaft machined and polished as there is no need of removing the crankshaft from the block, packing and sending it to the designated workshop. At the same time, all the specifications and tolerances as per the engine manufacturer are maintained.

RA Power Solutions has a team of experienced engineers who can repair all types of defects in the crankshaft and make it reusable.

Our scope of work includes the following:

  1. Crankshaft, Crankpin Repair
  2. Crankshaft Journal Repair
  3. Crankshaft Repair
  4. Crankshaft Straightening
  5. Crankshaft Regrinding
  6. Crankshaft Polishing
  7. Crankpin Machining, Crankshaft Journal Machining

We can undertake repair and polishing of crankshaft with diameters ranging from 35 mm to 700 mm. Our technicians can fly to any part of the world at short notice, as they carry with them the Indian CDC. The machining of the crankshaft, repair of spare parts, engine overhauling and maintenance can also be undertaken while sailing the vessel.

Our portable, lightweight onsite crankshaft grinding machine is designed to generate minimum vibration thus maintaining a high standard of quality in terms of surface finish, taper, and ovality. Since we offer repair of primary spares, maintenance, and overhauling of engines, spares, etc. We own one-point responsibility for the satisfactory performance of the engine in totality.

Onsite Crankshaft Repair by Portable Grinding Equipment
Onsite Crankshaft Repair by Portable Grinding Equipment

We are considered to be the cheapest in the market in comparison to the competitors based in Europe.

This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions) who has more than forty years of experience in the field of crankpin machining, crankshaft journal machining, crankshaft grinders, polishing and grinding of crankshaft, etc. For more details on babbitt bearing, white metal bearing, crankshaft grinding services, engine block repair, main journal grinding, grinding of crankshaft, or crankshaft grinders email us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Crankshaft Reconditioning | Crankshaft Grinding Machine Exporter – RA Power Solutions

RA Power Solutions undertakes the repair of crankshafts having a diameter ranging from 35 mm to 700 mm. The concept of removing the crankshaft and sending it to the workshop for repair is now no longer valid, and the user gets the crankshaft repaired onsite.

During our working of more than forty years on marine main, crankshaft reconditioning, auxiliary engines, and high capacity diesel generating sets installed in industry, power plants, etc., we have observed that while the maintenance schedule stipulated by the engine manufacturer in the maintenance manual is religiously followed, but no attention is paid on the crankshaft’s condition.

Even during the maintenance schedule of 25,000 to 30,000 hours of operation, maintenance agencies and officials connected with the day-to-day upkeep of the engine ignore the inspection of the crankshaft till the seizure of bearing or any other major breakdown happens in the crankshaft.

Repair of Crankpin on Board a Vessel
Repair of Crankpin on Board a Vessel

We have experienced that irrespective of the metallurgy of the crankshaft and level of hardness after continuous operation of engine taper and ovality of the crankshaft, crankpin, and main journal are developed. The bearing surface becomes rough and in some cases bearing line marks, pitting, etc. is developed. Due to these abnormalities developed in the crankshaft, failure of bearing and crankshaft takes place. RA Power Solutions recommends that inspection procedures should be followed in order to ensure satisfactory performance of the crankshaft and to save it from rejection.

  • During the periodic maintenance schedule, the crankpins and main journals of the crankshaft should be checked for the development of taper and ovality.
  • The dimensions of the crankpin, taper, and ovality should be well within the limits specified by the manufacturers. There should not be any presence of bearing line marks or pitting on the crankpin journals.
  • The profile of the lubricating oil hole and radius fillet should be checked visually. There should not be any loss of the original profile.
  • The hardness test and the crack detection test by MPI or dye penetrant are not required till the major failure of the bearing or accident takes place.
Inspection of Crankpin is in Process
Inspection of Crankpin is in Process
Inspection of Crankpin on Board a Vessel
Inspection of Crankpin on Board a Vessel
  • Checking of deflection of the crankshaft.
  • Positioning of crankshaft balancing weights. They should be tightened on specific torque as per the manual.

In case the above preventive inspection is undertaken on-site without disassembly of the crankshaft, the user can avoid any major damage to the crankshaft.

Onsite Machining of crankpins and main journals has been made simple in this era of technological renovation. The concept of removing the crankshaft and getting the crankshaft machined in the workshop is no longer valid. The onsite crankshaft machining is undertaken to maintain strictly all the tolerances as specified by the manufacturer and stipulated in the maintenance manual.

Crankshaft machining is no longer the monopoly of a bunch of companies based in Europe and the UK. The availability of a portable, easy-to-operate crankshaft grinding machine it has made simple and easy to undertake the polishing and grinding of the main journal if required.

RA Power Solutions is a reputable and leading crankshaft grinding machine exporter and crankshaft reconditioning, known for its high-quality products and exceptional services. With a strong commitment to customer satisfaction, RA Power Solutions has gained a stellar reputation in the industry. Our state-of-the-art crankshaft grinding machines are designed to precision grind and polish crankshafts, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of engines.

Repair of Crankshaft by Portable Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Repair of Crankshaft by Portable Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Portable Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Portable Crankshaft Grinding Machine

RA Power Solutions has been extending onsite crankshaft inspection, main journal grinding, and crankshaft repair services for the last 40 years, We have a team of trained and experienced technicians who can fly to your site on short notice as all of them have valid CDC.

This blog was written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions) having more than forty years of experience in providing services like crankshaft repair and grinding, crankpin machining, polishing, and grinding of crankshaft, engine repair, and overhauling, and many other services related to the high capacity engine.

For any queries regarding crankshaft grinding, grinding of crankshaft, crankshaft grinding services, crankshaft grinding machine, onsite crankshaft grinding, insitu crankshaft grinding repair, crankshaft grinding and repair, onsite crankshaft grinding machine, grinding of main journals, polishing crankshaft journals and crankshaft grinders, please email us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Inspection of Crankpin After Grinding
Inspection of Crankpin After Repair
Crankpin After Grinding & Polishing by Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Crankpin After Grinding & Polishing by Crankshaft Grinding Machine

In Situ Grinding Machine | In Situ Crankshaft Grinding and Polishing Machine – RA Power Solutions

In situ crankshaft grinding machine is an ideal solution for the repair of a damaged crankpin journal of a diesel engine without dismantling the crankshaft.

Benefits of In-Situ Grinding Machine:-

RA Power Solutions grinding technology and tools are not only user-friendly but are also capable of grinding the crankshaft to close dimensional and with geometric tolerance. These grinding tools are portable and can be easily carried by technicians to the site.

Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine
In Situ Crankshaft Grinding Machine

Main Accessories of In-Situ Grinding Machine supplied by RA Power Solutions:

  • In situ grinding machine (Complete Set)
  • Mother Bush
  • Bush
  • Pneumatic Motor with Adapter
  • Hand valve
  • Hose Pipe
  • Hanging Pipe (G.I)
  • Pneumatic Hand Grinder
  • Mops, Mounting Wheel & Rubber Base Wheel
  • Consumables and grinding media
  • Tool Box (Complete Set)
Crankshaft Grinding Machine Packed in a Steel Box for Dispatch
Crankshaft Grinding Machine Packed in a Steel Box for Dispatch
Accessories for Insitu Grinding Machine
Accessories for In Situ Grinding Machine

The measuring instrument used in the Job of grinding and polishing of crankshaft:-

  • Micrometer (Depend on Crankshaft Crank pin and main journal Diameter)
  • Micrometer 0-25 mm outside Ball Type Micrometer
  • Inside micrometer or bore gauge
  • Hardness Tester
  • Deflection Gauge
  • Magnetic Dial Stand with Dial Gauge
  • DP Test Kit or MPI Test Machine
  • Radius Gauge
  • Filler Gauge
Portable Crankshaft Grinding Machine is Ready for Dispatch
Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine
In Situ Crankshaft Grinding Machine

Instructions for using onsite crankshaft and cylindrical Grinding Machine:-


  • Check CR Pin Size, Hardness, DP Test, or Magnetic Particle Test and
  • Deflection, in case all reports are good after that, take Second Step.
  • Dismantle the machine and check all spare parts, assemble the Pneumatic Motor in insitu grinding machine.
  • Assemble the hardware in the shell assemble the machine on the crank pin and rotate gear manually.
  • Assemble the machine upper and lower cap and recheck all bolts.
  • Connect Air Hose Pipe to Pneumatic Motor.
  • After the machining process first round is complete, dismantle the in situ grinding machine and check the size of the Crank Pin.
  • Follow the same steps to complete the job.
  • Before maintaining the final size, check hardness, MPI, or DP Test & take Maximum Reading by Micrometer.

Note: Before the final size check, reset the outside micrometer and take the dimensions again.

Maintenance & Cleaning:-

In order to properly maintain machine tools, it is very important to perform maintenance checks periodically of all accessories. The author is Mr. Raj Shahani, Managing Director of the company. He has forty years of experience in providing onsite engine repair services to companies all over the world. After extensive research and field trials, he has developed in situ crankshaft grinding and polishing machine to make the repair process easy and cost-effective.

For any information on in situ crankshaft grinding machine, in situ crankshaft grinding repair in fertilizer plant, onsite crankshaft grinding services, onsite crankshaft grinding, grinding and polishing of crankpin, in situ onsite crankshaft grinding in Oman, crankpin machining, crankpin repair, in situ crankshaft grinding please feel free to write to us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Crankshaft Reconditioning | Crankpin Reconditioning and Machining | Onsite Crankshaft Grinding & Polishing – RA Power Solutions

RA Power Solutions is a pioneering name in the realm of onsite machining services. With a commitment to precision and excellence, they offer a comprehensive suite of solutions aimed at addressing complex machining challenges without the need for equipment dismantling.

RA Power Solutions undertakes complete reconditioning of the crankshaft of marine engines, diesel generating sets, compressors, forging hammers, and all other applications. The crankshaft repair is undertaken onsite without removing the crankshaft from the crank casing. This saves the downtime of the equipment and cost of assembly of the engine after the crankshaft repairs are executed, in fact, companies are opting for on site repair of crankshaft, and sending the crankshaft to the workshop for repair is outdated. 

Grinding & Repair of Crankpin on Board a Vessel
Grinding & Repair of Crankpin on Board a Vessel

The following procedure is adopted by our experienced engineers for calibration:

Prior to starting, the repair of the crankshaft, crank pin, and main journals are subject to the following inspection:

  1. Crankpin and main journal are measured for the presence of taper and ovality.
  2. The alignment of the crankshaft is checked by deflection.
  3. Radius fillets and lubricating oil holes are inspected for their original profile.
  4. Inspection of hardness
  5. Crack detection by MPI/Ultrasound and dye penetrant test.
  6. Checking of surface finish
  7. Visual inspection of counterweight and counterweight bolts. In case of an accident, crack detection by MPI is recommended.
Inspection of Crankpin is in Process
Inspection of Crankpin is in Process
Inspection of Crankpin Before Grinding
Inspection of Crankpin Before Grinding

Based on the above observations, the crankshaft is repaired onsite maintaining the following parameters:

  1. The grinding of crankpin and the main journal is undertaken as per the undersize recommended by the manufacturers and the availability of the bearings with the engine manufacturers.
  2. Preparation of radius fillet, lubricating oil hole, and maintenance of profile as the original.
  3. Polishing the crank pin and main journal, maintaining the surface finish as per international standards.
  4. Checking of hardness and crack detection test after repairs are executed.

We have a team of experienced technicians and the necessary instrumentation to undertake the repair of the crankshaft on board a vessel, even while sailing or for stationary engines.

All the crankshaft repairs, onsite crankshaft inspection, and onsite machining services undertaken by RA Power Solutions are guaranteed satisfactory performance.

The author of the blog is Mr. Raj Shahani, Managing Director of the company. He has 44 years of experience in providing services related to engine repair and overhauling, crankshaft grinding and polishing, crankpin reconditioning, and many more.

For any queries regarding crankshaft grinding for industrial and marine applications, crankshaft regrinding and compressor large engine, crank grinding, main journal crankshaft grinding, crankshaft grinding machine manufacturer, on-site grinding, onsite machining, onsite crankshaft grinding, onsite crankshaft inspection, and onsite machining services, please email us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131,+91 9810012383.

Grinding & Repair of Crankpin
Repair of Crankshaft by Portable Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Crankshaft Radius Under Machining
Crankshaft Radius Under Machining