Crankshaft Repair | Grinding of Crankshaft | Crankshaft Machining – RA Power Solutions

RA Power Solutions have been working on high-capacity diesel engine overhaul, repair, and maintenance and grinding of crankshaft for the last 44 years. During our work on engines on board a vessel or in large engineering plants, we have observed that the incidents of crankshafts getting damaged due to accidents are getting very often.

As we are aware that the crankshaft is the heart of the engine by means of connecting rod the crankshaft converts reciprocating motion to the liner movement which drives the engine. RA Power Solutions have the process, technology, and onsite crankshaft grinding machines ranging from 35 mm to 700 mm and crankshaft repair is now possible without disassembly of the crankshaft from the engine. The repair of the crankshaft is possible irrespective of its length and weight as we have the equipment available up to 700 mm in terms of diameter.

The crankshaft in general has various applications including diesel generating sets and marine engines typical areas of crankshaft applications are as follows:

  • Compressors
  • Railway vehicles/engines
  • Power generators
  • Forging hammers
  • Pumps
  • Marine engines, etc.
Crankpin After Accident
Crankpin After Accident
Crankpin After Serious Accident
Crankpin After Serious Accident

The crankshaft of high-capacity engines used for marine and land-based applications are of forged steel. RA Power Solutions has experienced technicians, and advanced technology equipment i.e. in situ crankshaft grinding machine to maintain the dimensions and tolerances strictly as per the manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations. Major parameters maintained after crankshaft grinding and repair and grinding of crankshaft are as follows:

  • Taper and ovality can be maintained within 0.02/0.03 mm or less as per the requirement of the engine manufacturer.
  • The portable in situ crankshaft grinding machine used by RA Power Solutions technicians is capable of maintaining a surface finish of far less than 0.03 RA value.
  • The high surface finish value after grinding of crankpin and main journal diameter of the crankshaft enhances the life of connecting rod and main bearings considerably.
Inspection of Crankpin Before Repair & Grinding
Inspection of Crankpin Before Repair & Grinding
Inspection of Crankpin is in Process
Inspection of Crankpin is in Process
  • The radius profile of both the end of the crankpin or main journal and the lubricating oil profile is maintained strictly as per the original profile.
  • The straightness/runout of the crankshaft is checked, and the crankshaft is straightened if required by the peening process.
  • Counterweight can be replaced in case of damage and supporting threads are repaired onsite.

During our work of more than four decades, we have repaired more than 10,000 crankshafts used for different applications. All the repairs are executed with a guarantee. We are an ISO-certified company and also meet the standards requirements like DNB, Lloyd’s, etc. All our technicians possess Indian CDC and can join the vessel in a short time in any part of the world.

Crankshaft grinding and repair are essential processes in the field of engine maintenance and precision engineering. The crankshaft, being a crucial component in any engine, requires meticulous attention to ensure its optimal performance. At RA Power Solutions, we specialize in main bearing machining, grinding of crankshaft, and in situ crankshaft grinding.

For more information regarding in situ crankshaft inspection, in situ grinding crankpins, and cost-effective crankshaft grinding Dubai contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Grinding and Polishing of Crankshaft | Repair of Crankshaft | Crankshaft Reconditioning – RA Power Solutions

RA Power Solutions with an experience of forty years provide you with a team of experienced technicians who repair crankshaft onsite, overhaul and maintenance of diesel engine, metal stitching, grinding and polishing of crankshaft, and all the repair jobs related to the engine room on a vessel or land-based diesel power plants. We possess precision and the latest design of equipment to execute the repairs strictly as per international norms and maintain the tolerances stipulated by the manufacturer.

Crankshaft Grinding & Polishing in Diesel Power Plant
Crankshaft Grinding & Polishing in Diesel Power Plant
Crankpin Machining by Onsite Crankshaft Grinder
Crankpin Machining by Onsite Crankshaft Grinder

RA Power Solutions is the only company that designs its own tooling according to the space available at the site which helps us to grind and maintain the crankshaft tolerances as per the manufacturer’s specifications. The main advantage of onsite machining and onsite reconditioning of crankshaft is that there is no need for striping down the equipment which in most of the cases is not possible due to various restrictions.

RA Power Solutions being an Indian company execute the repair of the crankshaft on the lowest prices in comparison to the European companies who used to dictate their prices and conditions without compromising on quality.

The onsite crankshaft repair services are extended to all types of industries: petrochemical, offshore and mining, steel, cement and manufacturing plant, marine and sugar plants, etc. We are confident of our quality and have executed repairs of more than 10,000 crankshafts worldwide. We have saved many crankshafts from rejection. Clients can also avail of our consultancy services which after inspection of the crankshaft advise the various methods of repair of crankshaft on site.

Inspection of Crankpin is in Process
Inspection of Crankpin is in Process
Repair of Crankpin by Specialized Tooling due to Space Constraint
Repair of Crankpin by Specialized Tooling due to Space Constraints

We also provide services related to engine repair i.e. turbine shaft repair, alternator shaft repair, pump shaft repair, grinding and polishing of crankshaft, onsite machining, crankshaft machining, crankshaft grinding & polishing, propeller shaft repair, metal locking & metal stitching of engine block, rebabbitting of bearings, connecting rod repair, etc.

The author is Mr. Raj Shahani, Managing Director of RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. He has 44 years of experience in working on large crankshafts and Diesel Engines.

For more information regarding the grinding and polishing of crankshaft, crankshaft polisher machine and crankshaft reconditioning please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Repair of Crankpin is in Process
Repair of Crankpin is in Process

Onsite Crankshaft Repair Services India by RA Power Solutions

RA Power Solutions offer onsite crankshaft repair services for the last four decades to the land-based engine and engines installed on vessels.

The crankshaft needs repair or grinding in case of the following defects:

  • Development of excessive taper and ovality more than the tolerances stipulated.
  • Loss of alignment of the crankshaft.
  • Seizure of bearing, development of line marks.
  • Development of pitting and rough surface of crankshaft main journal and crankpin
Crankshaft Repair Services While Vessel is Sailing
Crankshaft Repair Services While Vessel is Sailing
Crankshaft Grinding Services- Power Plant
Crankshaft Grinding Services- Power Plant

The onsite repair services of crankshaft help in getting the engine back into operation in minimum time. Following crankshaft grinding services are offered by RA Power Solutions at Sea, on land, or in the shipyard:

  • Onsite Crankshaft Repair
  • Crankshaft Straightening
  • Onsite Crankshaft journal repair
  • Crankshaft Regrinding
  • Onsite Crankshaft polishing
  • Onsite Main bearing Regrinding
  • Onsite Crankshaft machining
  • Orbital crankpin machining/regrinding
  • Main bearing machining
  • Insitu Main bearing Main Journal Polishing
Crankshaft Grinding being done on a Small Crankpin Width
Crankshaft Grinding is being done on a Small Crankpin Width
Crankpin After Grinding by Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Crankpin After Grinding by Crankshaft Grinding Machine

RA Power Solutions has technicians who are well-trained and have executed successfully more than 11,000 jobs of crankshaft repair. We are also considered to be the lowest-priced in the industry.

For any services related to crankshaft refurbishment, crankshaft grinding, crankpin polishing, onsite crankshaft grinding repairing service, crankshaft grinding and repair onsite, or maintenance and repair services, please free to write us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Repair of Crankshaft | Onsite Crankshaft Repair-RA Power Solutions

Reduce Cost And Breakdown Time By Onsite Repair Of Crankshaft

Onsite Crankshaft Grinding and Polishing Machine
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding and Polishing Machine

The failure of the crankpin and main journal bearing causes serious damage to the crankshaft, which is as follows:

  1. Development of excessive taper and ovality in Crankshaft, Crankpin, and Main Journal.
  2. Development of crack
  3. Abnormal increase and decrease in hardness
  4. Loss of alignment of crankshaft, resulting in the increase in deflection readings.
  5. Development of bearing line marks, pitting, local depression
  6. Damage to radius fillet and lube oil profile

The onsite crankshaft grinding equipment developed and manufactured by us is capable of undertaking grinding and polishing of crankshaft in one setting. The tolerances after crankshaft repair are strictly maintained as per the manufacturer’s specifications.

Removal of Crankshaft from Engine Block
Removal of Crankshaft from Engine Block

Repair of Crankshaft is in Process
Repair of Crankshaft is in Process

We have a highly trained, skilled team of technicians who are deputed to the plant site or on a vessel in the minimum possible time. The process followed by us for the repair of the crankshaft is faster, more cost-effective, and more convenient. It of course avoids the removal of the crankshaft and transport to the workshop.

The repair of crankshaft executed by RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd is approved by leading inspection agencies including Lloyds, DNV, and many other inspecting agencies. For more information, please write us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Crank Pin After Grinding and Polishing
Crank Pin After Grinding and Polishing

Turbine Shaft Repair – RA Power Solutions

The periodic inspection of turbine shaft is necessary. It is common to observe bearing line marks, corrosion, fatigue cracks, taper and ovality on turbine shaft bearing seating area In case these defects are not attended on time it can result to the failure of turbine shaft and damage to other parts.

Repair of Turbine Shaft
Repair of Turbine Shaft

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has successfully executed the repair of turbine shafts, crankshafts, rotor shafts, alternator shafts, and pump shaft numbers exceeding 170 up to the diameter of 700 mm.

Special pneumatically driven grinding equipment is used to undertake the grinding of the turbine shaft. The turbine shaft grinding equipment is portable, lightweight, and easy to carry to the site. The experienced engineers undertake the grinding of the damaged bearing seating area of the turbine shaft and maintain the tolerances within 20–30 microns with a high surface finish.

For more information regarding crankshaft grinding, crankshaft repair, and grinding of crankshaft, contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.